Welcome to ffxivcalc’s documentation!

ffxivcalc is a python library that makes it possible to simulate combat from Final Fantasy XIV Online. It can be used to simulate any sort of rotation with any sort of team composition. It also allows for completely customized actions to be performed. This tool lets people experiment and optimize rotations and even entire raids in order to get lower kill times and higher DPS.

As of version 0.8.911, this tool also has a fully working gear management functions as well as a Rotation BiS Solver (BETA) that is still in development.

The first part of this documentation will focus on practical examples to get you started and the second part will simply show all different functions available with a short description of their usage and requirements.


This project is still in development, hence there might be some errors/bugs still not fixed or/and incomplete part of the documentation. Thank you for your understanding.